MAGNOTHERM meets Robert Habeck


Today, MAGNOTHERM had the privilege of sharing our tech and our story with Robert Habeck, the Vice Chancellor of Germany and Head of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

It was an impactful day for MAGNOTHERM envisioning our place in the German economy of the future. Timur SİRMAN engaged in discussion with Mr. Habeck about our company's vision for the future, our roadblocks to success, and ways we can support policymakers in fighting climate change and boosting the economy. It was an immensely valuable day meeting, and we are grateful to Anna Christmann, Daniel Kriebel and Digital Hub Initiative for arranging this exciting meeting, as well as HANNOVER MESSE for setting the perfect stage for us to meet with the delegation.

In the end, Robert Habeck signed the POLARIS as a gift to bring back to the whole team in Darmstadt, and as representation of the support of the German government for our global impact innovation. We're honored and proud of this moment in our company's story, and it is wind in our team's sails to push forward, solve the unsolvable, and build the future of cooling.

Zum LinkedIn Post.


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